Text or call 940-277-8722 to order

Become the best by eating the best.  Get fresh, forward flavors & potent nutrition at your door.

We deliver artisan-quality microgreens that are sustainably grown in a vertical hydroponic farm and cleanly harvested in Denton, TX. Fill out the form below for one-time-orders, or subscribe to effortlessly bring the healthiest and tastiest fresh produce to your door!

Do you struggle to consistently incorporate healthy food into your daily routine?

Maybe you don’t have time to shop for and cook specialty items, or  you think healthy food is too expensive, or it just isn’t fresh or tasty. It feels like it’s difficult to get started doing the right thing, and we all know it’s so easy to find a reason to quit.

With Mean Microgreens, you are assured of receiving the healthiest edible plants harvested early for their concentrated nutrition, potent flavor, and tender texture.  Just add a small handful of our fresh, no-prep superfoods to easily elevate any meal.  Take advantage of our free local delivery or contactless pickup to maximize convenience.

Feel Amazing about what you're eating

Add a broad spectrum of concentrated bioactive vitamins & minerals, plant protein, essential amino acids, and fiber in every 14-gram serving! A little goes a long way.

close up of bright green fava shoots

Every aspect is easy

Combining the health and culinary benefits of Mean Microgreens is as easy as adding a small handful to any dish. Our local free delivery or contactless pickup caters to your convenience.

Become a culinary Hero

Expand your prowess in the kitchen with these no-prep flavor bombs of freshness and complexity. Use Mean Microgreens to elevate soups, salads, sandwiches, smoothies, salmon, sushi, shrimps, scallops, sausages, and spaghetti, and that's just some of the S's...


  • High concentrations of water-soluble vitamins and essential minerals
  • Plentiful in antioxidants associated with reducing inflammation and fighting cancer
  • some nutrients exponentially higher than adult plants of the same weight
  • essential amino acids
  • good source of soluble fiber
  • good source of plant protein
  • contains nutrients associated with good brain, skin, heart, immune, and gut health.
  •  cleanly harvested fresh every week
  • always in season
  • pesticide free
  • herbicide free
  • grown in accordance with organic guideline
  • soil free
  • uses much less water, energy, time, and space than conventional farming
  • supports local North Texas economy
  • future of farming
  • free local delivery every week and contactless pickup available

Are you ready to get started?

Luxury Salad

Our curated Luxury Salad Mix is a combination of pure varieties like broccoli, cauliflower, pea, and kohlrabi. The milder of our mixes, these deep, earthy flavors sing together and love to be combined with toasted nuts, fruits, crumbly cheeses, and modest amounts of fresh vinaigrettes.  This combo offers a broad spectrum of nutritious vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, fiber, and protein.

$10 for 100 grams

$18 for 200 grams

$36 for 500 grams

Luxury Hot Salad

Luxury Hot Salad

Our curated Luxury Salad Hot Mix starts with pea and buckwheat and adds radish, arugula, and cress to really spice things up. The hotter of our mixes, these bright and brash flavors sting the sinuses. Add toasted nuts, fruits, crumbly cheeses, and modest amounts of fresh vinaigrettes to make everything pop.  This colorful combo offers a broad spectrum of nutritious vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, fiber, and protein.

$10 for 100 grams

$18 for 200 grams

$36 for 500 grams


Tray of Kohlrabi vienna purple microgreens

These lavender and green Kohlrabi microgreens   present a gastronomic paradox—subtle yet bold. Our petite greens are a treasure trove of nutrition, containing significant amounts of iron, potassium, and vitamins A and C. They’re associated with enhancing immunity and aiding in cognitive function. Each colorful bite is an investment in both exquisite flavor and robust health.

$10 for 100 grams

$18 for 200 grams

$36 for 500 grams

Fancy Pea Shoots

Tendriled Afila Pea

Our Fancy Pea shoots, adorned with delicate tendrils, offer a forward blend of bitter and sweet flavors that complement savory dishes or elevate salads. Their nutrition is concentrated with vitamins A, C, and E, folic acid, fiber, plant-based protein, and they are known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.  

$10 for 100 grams

$18 for 200 grams

$36 for 500 grams

Leafy Pea Shoots

close up of leafy pea shoots

Our Leafy Pea Shoots are taller, greener, sweeter and less tendriled than our Fancy Peas.  All the great health benefits from high-density vitamins and minerals, plant based protein, fiber, and an abundance of antioxidants are bestowed on these Leafy Pea Shoots.

$10 for 100 grams

$18 for 200 grams

$36 for 500 grams

Sunflower Shoots

close up of sunflower shoots

Sunflower shoots are our favorite foundation for any luxury salad, offering tubular and leafy textures that give vinaigrettes a proper place to pop. These microgreens are a nutrient-dense source of vitamins A, B complex, D, and E, essential minerals, plant-based protein, antioxidants, and dietary fiber, providing both anti-inflammatory and digestive benefits.

$10 for 100 grams

$18 for 200 grams

$36 for 500 grams

Red Micro Radish

Close-up of radish microgreens

Our beautiful Micro Radish delivers a striking color contrast and a hit of earthy hotness, creating an experience no radish lover should miss, all while delivering concentrated levels of vitamins A, C, and E, essential minerals, antioxidants, and fiber for a health-boosting addition to better any dish.

$10 for 100 grams

$18 for 200 grams

$36 for 500 grams


In our unwavering commitment to provide artisan-quality produce, we proudly present Mean Microgreens as a reliable source for culinary and nutritional excellence in our community. Mean Microgreens are not just pretty garnish; they are nutrient-dense powerhouses that infuse your meals with concentrated vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants as well as providing plant protein and dietary fiber. Their vibrant flavors, ranging from the peppery bite of radish to the dual-textured delight of fava shoots, elevate even the simplest dishes to gourmet status.  For consumers seeking culinary adventures in harmony with uncompromising wellness, we offer true value for the cost of our meticulously crafted greens. However, the only way to know this is to experience it for yourself.  We’re happy to provide a free sample upon request.

Luxury salad featuring sunflower shoots with micro radish, cherry tomatoes, parmesan romano mini orange slices, and a fresh vinaigrette